
In the time it takes you to read this your chest will have inhaled at least one breath. You will probably have blinked your eyes, twitched a muscle, repositioned yourself, scratched an itch, or maybe wiggle your toes.
In that time, your body will have shed cell after cell of dead skin. Oil will seep from your pores and leave a fingerprint where your fingers touch. Your lungs will absorb oxygen and ship it to your brain through the main of your blood stream, where it retreats back to your heart.
The smallest molecules in your bloodstream will move a distance infinitely bigger than their own size, and at their foundation, the warm cloud of individual electrons will swarm each atomic core, where inside quarks will bounce off one another in a constant buzz of motion and energy.
Beyond that, small points of light, gathered in an amount calculated so precisely, will compromise the quarks and beyond that, we as human beings do not exactly know, it keeps going. The light is made of something smaller, and likewise whatever the light is made of consists of a substance even smaller still.
And in the time it takes you to read this, currents of air will circulate around you at an unrelenting rate, cycling and constantly in motion. Automobiles will drive in a grid-like pattern, constantly flowing and moving. Babies will be born, people will die. The ocean will turn and turn, each form of life will breathe and live, and each dead thing will decay. Our world will have moved through space far from its original position, and we won’t even notice.
And in the time it takes you to read this, the moon will still be in orbit around the earth. The sun will shine its light on its children, and even though it takes nine minutes to reach us, you will feel the light it’s been shedding for billions of years, and will be shedding for eons to com. The planets will revolve around the sun, and the sun will drift through space, probably in orbit of something greater than itself. Andromeda will shine from a distance farther than any eye could hope to see.All the stars we see will shine among the galaxy, the galaxy will shine among other galaxies, the universe will expand and all things will exist infinitely and in perpetual motion among the black empty space that we cannot perceive, but only know that it exists beyond our understanding.
And in the time it takes you to read this, each and every star will flare brightly in the darkness, and each point of light will one day reach the surface of our own planet, touch our skin, touch the grass, dirt, the clouds, the ocean, and continually touch every piece of everything anywhere. All things will continue to be grossly infinite in nature. There is no smallest piece of matter, and there is no defined universe. There are only smaller pieces of things too small to see, and there are only celestial bodies greater than ourselves, or any thing we’ve ever known, that comprise things greater than themselves. Trough and through, there is nothing standing still. Even now, your heart still beats. Your lungs still draw air. Your blood still flows and your nerve endings still send messages to your brain telling you you’re alive. And even if these vital organs of yours didn’t do these things, they would oxidize and be in decay, constantly in motion and cycling through the course of all that is natural. Everything in existence is happening at once. And while we can’t perceive it, what we call “time” is in constant motion. There is no such thing as entropy. There is no such thing as death. There is only the time where we aren’t in control of something and the time we are. We are all made from the same electrons and neutrons that in turn are made from the same building blocks we don’t entirely understand. And in our field of limited perspective, we’re all part of a world whose size is dwarfed in the glory of our black and ominous universe,, and we are all composed of things smaller than we can ever realize. If that seems depressing to you, in the time it takes you to read this, someone else thought the same thing.

About masonplayer0991

I'm one of those birds of paradise that have seen too many hurricanes, too many monsoons, and too many tourists, but still seems to bloom on a daily basis. i write to disentangle my brain. i have no plans of ever being published, or really ever being read outside of this website. it is my escape, my coping mechanism, my translation for myself. i don't think i would be half as together as i am, without it.

Posted on June 19, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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